Solar Cell Pump

  • The basement excavation is now 80cm below the water table so I'd like to minimise the amount of time the walls are exposed to water plus I am spending too much time bailing out. There isn't any electricity so a solar cell and bilge pump is the solution.
  • 10 watt solar cell.
  • There isnt yet mains water so collecting ground water will be useful for cleaning but can't be used for making concrete and the like because it probably contains disolved minerals which will effect the strength of the concrete.
  • 12 AH lead acid battery
  • 360 gallons per hour bilge pump with a float switch (at the top of the picture).
  • The base how has an integrated negative buoyancy device called 'half a brick'. The pump is the red and blue bit on the right. The float switch is on the left. It works well but there isn't enough sunshine at the moment to keep the battery topped up.