Progress During November 2007

  • I kept part of the inspection pit mainly to make it easier to climb down and the wooden bridge made it easy to pass buckets up. I was hoping to construct the sewer's conduit in two sections as it crosses two retaining wall panels but the building inspection process requires the entire sewer run to be inspected at once. Just when I thought there would be a break from the excavating I needed to cut a channel in order to lay the sewer. This is the wall that fell before it was due to!
  • Trev and Ben helping shift the excavation from the drainage channel.
  • Demolishing the inspection pit wall happened a little quicker then planned. After cutting all the concrete holding it in place I said to Trev and Ben (who were helping) that it would only take a couple of strikes with the sledge hammer to topple the wall. Just before the demolition I jumped down to pass some blocks up to Ben and between us we managed to dislodge the entire wall. We were both pretty lucky! I was pretty stupid.
  • Me on the remaining part of the inspection pit.
  • Dem brings me a hardhat as a present.
  • The sewer connection starts on 13th November. Photos of this can be found in The Build part of this website.
  • Diggers start digging the sewer connection.
  • George helps out with my careful practice of measure twice and cut (wrong) once
  • Using blocks to build a drainage channel. I need a channel to hold the pea gravel in one place below the concrete slabs that make up the retaining walls of the basement.